How can you tell that your child needs glasses?

Medical News,Uncategorized

Usually children are not likely to require glasses. There is a small percentage of children that may need to wear a pair. How do you know if your child needs glasses? Take a look at this article; it outlines some of the signs that many be present if your child needs glasses.

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Laser Pointer “Toys” Can Cause Serious Eye Injury

Medical News,Uncategorized

We recently came across this artical on the Medical News Today website and thought about the scary potential that this has to harm the vision of unknown people. Take a look at this article: If people can purchase military grade lasers that is just a scary thought, especially if a child has this ability. Lasers…

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NTEC 1 week post-op data with ReSTOR lens

Medical News,Uncategorized

What kind of vision would a patient who has a ReSTOR lens implanted expect?… A small retrospective study was performed on 28 cataract patients who had a ReSTOR lens implanted at NTEC with in the last several months. During the patients 1 week post-operative visit, 89% of patients reviewed had a vision of 20/40 or better….

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